01323 388211 388211 

Waterproof Wall Coatings

Having issues with Water Penetration & Heat Loss through External Walls ? 

Properties with solid walls lose around 45% of their heat through walls. These properties are often referred to as ‘hard to treat’ when it comes to trying to insulate them as the options are restricted to expensive external cladding which alters the appearance of a building or fitting insulated plasterboard internally which reduce room dimensions. NRG Property Solutions external waterproofing treatment with specialist coatings prevent heat loss and is a much cheaper and less disruptive alternative to having solid wall insulation installed.

The treatment is best explained by the following analogy: If you get caught in a heavy rain shower without an umbrella you are going to get soaked through and you begin to feel very cold and you’ll want to take off the wet clothes as soon as you get home.
The reason behind this is that all wet materials such as clothes, brickwork –anything that gets wet, conduct or transfer more heat readily than dry materials. In the case of building materials a completely saturated brick will transfer approximately twice as much heat as an identical dry brick.


By keeping a building’s wall drier it is possible to significantly reduce the heat that is lost through them and a water-proofing cream will help provide a warmer, drier home. Applied externally as a single coat of cream it will last for 20 years and is a specially formulated waterproofing cream that penetrates deeply into walls and reduces the amount of moisture they can absorb.

A dry wall conducts much less heat that a wet or damp wall and therefore more heat is retained within a property as less heat is being transferred through the walls.

This unique waterproofing cream is formulated to line the pores of masonry rather than block them, so vapours can still pass through the fabric of the building allowing it to breathe.
When applied the cream is white but within 48 hours it will have penetrated deep into the wall leaving no discolouration , residue or sheen.
Independent tests have showed that in damp weather a house treated with a specialist waterprrof cream used between five and ten percent less energy. Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) tests for heat loss showed that when driving rain was present the energy saving in a treated house increased to 29%.

A house treated with waterproofing cream will have lower carbon dioxide emissions and the heat saved will result in a higher grade Energy Performance Certificate


Some of the benefits of having a water repellent masonry protecting treatment are:-

  • Prevents penetrating dampness-Guaranteed for 20 years
  • Improves the thermal efficiency of your home by keeping it dry
  • Offers energy savings of up to 30%-sometime more in really porous brickwork
  • Reduces heat loss and energy bills
  • Maintains the thermal properties of cavity wall insulation
  • Provides insulation for solid wall properties that cannot have cavity wall insulation fitted
  • Provides a self-cleaning surface
  • Reduces maintenance due to water damage and algal growth

For a free quote on applying water-proofing and insulating cream please call NRG Proprty Solutions on 01323 388221 or  or send and email to

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